The Commands of Jesus

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” (John 14:15 ESV). “If” indicates a condition and here that condition is about our love for Jesus. As evidence of that love, we will keep his commandments. John tells us in 1 John 5:3 that these commandments are not burdensome. To help us keep these commandments, Jesus promises us that his Father will send us a Helper, the Holy Spirit, who will abide with us forever (John 14:16).

If it is important to keep his commandments, then what are they and how many are there. In the Old Testament there were ten clearly given by God through Moses. A search of the Gospels yields approximately 50 statements of Jesus that we can refer to as commandments. Given below is a list of those commandments with a link to a Bible study of each.

Ash in Faith Matthew 21:21-22
Ask, Seek, Knock Matthew 7:7-8
Await My Return Matthew 24:42-44
Baptize My Disciples Matthew 28:19-20
Be a House of Prayer Matthew 21:13
Be Born Again John 3:5-7
Be Perfect Matthew 5:46-48
Be Reconciled Matthew 5:23-25
Be servants Matthew 20:26-28
Be Wise as Serpents Matthew 10:16
Beware of Covetousness Luke 12:15
Beware of False Prophets Matthew 7:15-16
Beware of Leaven Matthew 16:6
Bring in the Poor Luke 14:12-14
Chose the Narrow Way Matthew 7:13-14
Deny Yourself Luke 9:23-25
Despise Not Little Ones Matthew 18:10
Do Not Cast Pearls Matthew 7:6
Do Not Lust
Do Not Worry
Matthew 5:27-28
Matthew 10:19-20
Do Unto Others Matthew 7:12
Fear Not Matthew 10:28
Feed My Sheep John 21:15-16
Follow Me Matthew 4:19
Forgive Offenders Matthew 18:21-22
Go the Second Mile Matthew 5:38-42
Go to Offenders Matthew 18:15-17
Hear God's Voice Matthew 11:15
Honor God's Law Matthew 5:17
Honor Marriage Matthew 19:4-6
Honor Your Parents Matthew 15:4
Judge Not Matthew 7:1-3
Keep My Commandments John 14:15
Keep Your Word Matthew 5:37
Lay Up Treasures Matthew 6:19-21
Let Your Light Shine Matthew5:16
Love the Lord Matthew 22:37-38
Love Your Enemies Matthew 5:44-46
Love Your Neighbor Matthew 22:39-40
Make Disciples Matthew 28:19-20
Practice Secret Disciplines Matthew 6:1-18
Pray for Laborers Matthew 9:37-38
Receive God's Power Luke 24:29
Rejoice Matthew 5:11-12
Render to Caesar Matthew 22:19-21
Repent Matthew 4:17
Seek God's Kingdom Matthew 6:33
Take My Yoke Matthew 11:28-30
Take, Eat, Drink Matthew 26:26-28
Watch and Pray Matthew 26:41

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