Tuesday, May 31, 2016

2 Corinthians 4:16 - 18 Part 1

Reading through these verses carefully one notices three comparisons:1) Outer self is wasting away - the inner self is being renewed; 2) Light momentary afflictions now - eternal weight of glory later on; 3) Things seen are transient - things unseen are eternal. It is clear these verses do not describe a state of comfort, but one of suffering and if care is not taken could result in the lose of heart, or simply giving up or giving in. Because of our wealth in the west we can secure a rather high level of comfort under most circumstances, but this is not so for one facing persecution in other countries. Sacrificing everything for their faith, being driven away as a refuge, tortured or imprisoned are examples of conditions feared or experienced by many.

This is the first of a four part series. We will devote a lesson to each of the three comparisons given above.


Father, I pray this study will be an encouragement for the one going through a difficult time. Jesus suffered greatly for us with joy, to secure an eternal relationship with us. Father, provide encouragement and endurance for those who are now suffering; fill their hearts with your love that they would experience joy, peace, and be able to show patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Father, have mercy on them and extend an extra measure of grace to them as they seek your face through this time of darkness.

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