Sunday, June 5, 2016

Romans 12:1 Sacrifice

Therefore points us back to the glorious description of God in the last paragraph of chapter 11 and based on who he is and his provision for us we are urged by his mercies to present our bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, which is acceptable to him. We must not forget that the New Testament was written in an eastern culture under conditions of suffering. We must also remember that Jesus suffered on the cross for us, presenting his body as a living and holy sacrifice to provide for our salvation and the expectation is that through our sacrifice the church will grow.

Walking in holiness and righteousness will usually result in some form of persecution. We have been spared this in the west because or our walk with the Lord initially as a Christian nation, but even then there was some persecution. Today we are so much like the world we are not bothered, but in other parts of the world, persecution is growing and many have first hand experience in presenting their bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, with a growing number giving their lives. In view of this are you willing to count the cost of walking with the Lord and are you then willing to pay the price because Jesus Christ is worth it? If the time comes are you willing to follow Jesus Christ even if it cost you your life or that of a family member? How much are you willing to sacrifice to maintain your identity as a follower of Jesus Christ? This sacrifice, which is acceptable to God, is a mark of true spiritual service of worship.


Father, each morning I need to consider the importance of my identity with Jesus Christ and how much I am willing to sacrifice for him. Am I willing to live each day as one crucified with Christ, allowing Jesus to live his life in and through me? Am I willing to step out each day and be the salt and light in a dark and evil world, in need of his truth and love, no matter what the cost is to me? Father, help me say yes to these questions with a growing degree of confidence.

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