Monday, February 22, 2016

Romans 5:3 - 5 Part 6

Part 6. With this we conclude our thoughts on Romans 5:3-5.

How many times have you read this passage and simply noticed the flow of what produces what but never took the time to think of how you actually get from one characteristic to the next in the real world? Using the Scriptures, one can study to learn the process and as you do you begin to understand how it applies to your life. If, for example, when suffering you pray that your suffering would be removed so that you would again experience comfort, and if your prayer is answered you would miss the benefit of growing in endurance and thus in character. Therefore, we should not pray for our suffering to be removed, but that we would grow in endurance so that we can experience spiritual growth. Is it possible that the western Christian has been praying for comfort and not for the benefits of suffering? Consider the lack of Biblical application to our lives today as you form your answer. As a result the western church has become a cultural church and not a Biblical church in so many ways.

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