Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Colossians 1:15 - 19

This passage in Colossians is so rich in reflecting characteristics of Jesus Christ. As we study the life of Jesus, as we are doing in our study of the Gospel of John, we learn about the living God that loves us so dearly (15). As we see Jesus healing the sick, raising the dead, providing food for thousands on two occasions, and calming the storm we gain a small view of his power to create the universe (16). Before all these things he created he existed as the eternal Word, the Son of God (17). Through his death and resurrection he became the head of a great body of believers, the Church (18). In the Lord Jesus Christ all the fullness of God dwells (19). What an amazing person is our savior and our Lord. Please do not miss this subtle point; Jesus cannot be your savior if he is not also your Lord. It is not one or the other, as so many think today, but both or neither.

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