Thursday, March 31, 2016

2 Timothy 4:6 - 7

Last time we looked at Galatians 2:20 and related being crucified with Christ with the idea of self being poured out in service to God and as that happens Jesus Christ comes to live in us. In our verse today we pick up this theme with Paul saying that he has fought the good fight and has finished the race and kept the faith and through this he has been poured out as a drink offering. Paul suffered much as a believer, but he fought on and never denied the faith in the face of persecution. God had taken hold of Paul and in the process of pouring him out, in using him as a resource, purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ, the kingdom of Christ was being advanced. Paul was at the point where his life was all used up and his work was finished in the verses given. Consider Jesus, the Son of God, sent to earth, not to live for himself, but to die for us. God used him in a mighty way, pouring out his life in the face of growing persecution to where he was completely empty of life and had finished the work assigned to him. In his emptiness of life and filled with the death of our sin, he asks his Father to forgive them because they didn't know what they were doing and then he cries out, "It is finished". Paul and Jesus are examples for us to empty our-self of self and be filled with Jesus Christ and fight the good fight and finish the race for God.


Father, this is such a foreign idea here in the west where we are proud of so many things. The idea of you taking us as a vessel and pouring us out in service at a place of your choosing doesn't set very well with a people who are so independent and desiring to be in control. Father, help me be more willing to humble myself under your mighty hand and to serve you however and wherever you desire. 

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