Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Galatians 2:20

Is there someone or something that is producing tension or conflict within your heart? Consider how this verse would apply. To be crucified with Christ is allowing God to pour you out as a drink offering (2 Tim. 4:6), just as Jesus gave his life completely for us. As we are being poured out, Jesus is able to come in and fill that space and live his life in us. Jesus thus becomes a buffer between us and that which is producing the tension or conflict. As we live through him we see the situation through his life. As we live this way by faith in Jesus, the Son of God, we obtain victory. Since God is love, as Christ lives his life in us we can experience the characteristics of his love: "joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, [and] self-control" (Galatians 5:22-23). When we love the world the love of the Father cannot be in us and we will not experience victory.


Father, I find this to be a key verse for me in my walk with the Lord. It clearly points out the tension between how I want to live and how you want me to live. I was purchased with the blood of Jesus Christ; he owns me and loves me with a love that is beyond my understanding, but he wants all of me to be devoted to him. I pray that with my faith focused in him, I will die to self and allow Jesus to live fully in me. Through verses like this I can see how you are conforming me into the image of Christ. When the body of Christ, the Bride, is complete and in heaven, each one of us will have been conformed into the image of Christ and together be one body in unity with Jesus Christ. As I use my body to live my life now, Jesus Christ will use us as his body in living out his life through us. Father, help me through this verse live more like I will live with Jesus in heaven. Have mercy on me as I seek to live out this desire.

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