Thursday, August 18, 2016

1 John 5:13

“These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life.” (1 John 5:13 NASB). This is another salvation verse that is only partially used. That part is “believe in the name of the Son of God [and] have eternal life.” The problem with that is that the demons believe but do not have eternal life. It appears that the assurance of eternal life lies in the things that have been previously written. It is important that we understand what was written and how it relates to our belief.

Looking at what was written before our verse we find in verse 12 that we are to have the Son in our life; we are to accept him into our life as an active part of our life. John wrote about Jesus coming by water and blood (verse 6). Some say this refers to the time Jesus was stabbed while on the cross and water and blood came from his side, proving his death. Others refer to Jesus starting his public ministry by being baptized in water and then shedding his blood on the cross at the end. Both provide evidence that Jesus was the Son of God, who died in our place to secure our salvation. Evidence of our belief is found in our love for other believers (verse 1), in obeying his commands (verse 2), and we overcome the temptations of the world (verse 4).

We can look back further and find more things written that should be evidenced in the life of a believer. Belief is to be based on more than a simple prayer. It is to be evidenced by a changed life. Today many believers show little evidence of salvation and little evidence of spiritual growth. Without this evidence, eternal life is questionable.


Father, I believe the simple prayer of a child is sufficient for salvation, but in the days and years to follow there must be growing evidence of salvation. I pray that we will grow to become more like Jesus.

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