Tuesday, August 2, 2016

John 1:12

“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,” (John 1:12 ESV). The context of our verse is about the Word, who was before all things and through him all things were made. In him was life and that life provides light by which we gain understanding of spiritual things. This Word became flesh whom we know as Jesus Christ and is the one our verse speaks of.

This verse is another if then statement in which two conditions need to be met in order to obtain the result. First, we must humbly come to Jesus and receive him into our lives. We are to embrace who he is and devote our lives to loving and serving him. Second, we are to believe in his name, which means we are to accept the truth that Jesus is the Son of God, the coming Messiah. The fact that Jesus is the Son of God living in the flesh of man is a great stumbling block for many, but it is the central tenant of the Christian faith. Meeting these two conditions gives us the right to become children of God, but what is the meaning of “right”?

What level of understanding of the two conditions is necessary? What about a child? I was a child when I was saved and at the time I didn't understand those conditions, so what does this verse mean? I believe the key lies in the word “right” or in some translations “authority.” In his sovereignty, God the Father chooses who will become children in his family. Like a fetus conceived in the womb, each loss sheep is to be searched for and spiritually nourished to the point of spiritual birth. It is these whom the Father has chosen, that have the right to become children of God. At the appropriate time the Father causes the spiritual birth. As a child, through faith I was saved and through faith I would grow in my understanding of the two conditions.


Father, the reality that only the ones you grant the right to become children of God will be born again, is a very difficult concept for some to accept. However, the Scriptures are clear that no one desiring to be a Christian will be excluded and no one granted this right will be left behind. It is amazing how many are being led to salvation through dreams and visions in highly restricted areas of the world. Father, thank you for granting the right to become children of God and in preparing those hearts to be born again.

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