Saturday, November 19, 2016

1 Peter 2:11

“Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul.” (1 Peter 2:11 NASB). Peter is speaking to those chosen of God who have received mercy. We have been called out of darkness into his marvelous light, known as people of God, to be seen as aliens and strangers by the world. As his chosen people, his adopted children, our citizenship is not of this world, but is in heaven. As strangers we are passing through on our journey to our heavenly home. As aliens we are currently living here in the world.

While living here in this hostile environment, Peter instructs us to abstain from what is one of the most important issues in the world today, that of fleshly lusts. But by its priorities, values, commitments, standards, preoccupation, and pleasure, the world shows that fleshy lusts are not an important issue. For the Christian, fleshly lusts are of paramount importance because of its relationship to the destruction of the human soul.

Fleshly lust wages war with our soul and if successful, the soul is lost and if the soul is lost, the whole person is lost. It is a disaster if we lose this war because it will result in an eternity of suffering in hell. Throughout life we wage many wars; wars against drug addiction, poverty, drunk driving, mosquitoes, depression, rape and many other things, but where do we find instruction on how to fight this war over our soul? That instruction is from God through his word.


Father, so few realize the threat of this war against the soul. For the unbeliever that will result in the soul spending an eternity in hell. For the believer it will destroy an effective loving relationship with the Lord. Father, help us reign in the lust of the flesh and allow Christ to live in and through us. 

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