Thursday, November 24, 2016


“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,” (John 1:12 ESV). The context of this verse is about the Son of God coming into the world in a body of flesh as Jesus. He is the true light, which gives light to our souls. He enters into the world he created and came to his own people he grew up with, but they would not receive him for who he claimed to be.

As you look at this verse pick out the action word and note who performs the action. The action word is “receive” and is performed by “all” who believe. The “all” defines the group of people who receive or accept the gift of salvation; those who believe in his name. To those who receive Jesus and believe that he is God in the flesh of man, God gives the right to become the children of God. Those excluded from this group through unbelief are not adopted as children into the family of God, but remain children of the devil.

This is a verse chosen by Armenians to support their position of salvation being free will. It is a view of salvation as seen from earth.


Father, I find it interesting that the next verse provides balance as well as tension. It provides balance because it involves God, but it provides tension because it suggests that maybe being born again was not according to our will, but the will of God. Father, thank you for the gift of salvation that is available to everyone who comes to Jesus Christ in belief. 

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