Thursday, November 17, 2016

Leviticus 19:11

“You shall not steal; you shall not deal falsely; you shall not lie to one another.” (Leviticus 19:11 ESV). This verse is found in the section titled “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” in the ESV translation and contains instructions on how to live with your neighbors. Of all the things listed, this verse is very reverent in view of what is happening in America today.

To steal is to take, without permission or legal right and without intending to return it, something that belongs to another person. That which is taken can include more just physical things. In Genesis 27 we read about Jacob stealing Esau’s blessing. In a way we can steal one’s character through demeaning that person.

To deal falsely with someone is to present to them something as being true when it is not. You do or say things that deceives someone into thinking what you did or said is true. For example, if a purchase was based on weight and the scales were adjusted to show more weight than there actually was you are dealing falsely with that person. Maybe you claim a quality of product that it isn't. To deal falsely seems to emphasize cheating over telling lies.

To lie to one another is to present something as being true when it is not. I believe this includes what is referred to as white lies; a minor, polite, or harmless lie sometimes referred to as a fib. These white lies may be told in an attempt to be polite or kind. The problem with telling white lies is it trains you to accept lying as being ok to do. Sharing only part of a truth is not lying as long as you are not trying to deceive by creating a false picture.


Father, how different the elections would have been this year if the candidates and others obeyed the commands of this verse. As I point to others I need to search my own heart and see if I am guilty of some misdemeanor. Is there any attempt to mislead or cover-up for my convenience? I confess some tension at times in this arena. Father, I ask your forgiveness. 

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