Friday, January 29, 2016

1 Corinthians 6:17

We are joined to the Lord when we are born again; the time when we become a new creature in Christ; the time when the Spirit comes to inhabit us and give us eternal life. As his Spirit permeates us we are absorbed into him and we become one; we become God-men one with God. But because of the power of sin in our lives, most believers are not living this out in their daily activities; we are not accurately finding and expressing our identity in him. We are to live the divine in our human life. As Paul said, "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me" (Galatians 2:20 ESV). As God-men, we live but it is not us, but Christ living in us. In heaven we will live out this oneness perfectly. Jesus was truly God and truly man. We were not God like Jesus was, but we are God in men, a union that will exist for an eternity.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

1 Corinthians 13:3

I opened another piece of mail, to read and pray over, and three hand written words caught my eye and immediately a thought compelled me to stop and write this. Those words were "Love is sacrifice"!

The fruit of the Spirit is love, but the characteristics of that love is "joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, [and] self-control." (Galatians 5:22-23 ESV). It is that love that enables Christians in the Middle East to love Muslims and reach out to them at every opportunity, in spite of the cost; this love enables pastors in India to be beaten by radical Hindus and then invite Hindus to follow Jesus; this love enables believers in China to boldly share the love of Jesus with prison guards and even government officials.

Love is sacrifice, but it is that love that enables the one being persecuted to also benefit from its empowering strengths.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

1 Corinthians 13:12

As I study the Scriptures there are times when I can't see clearly what is being said. I find that greater understanding comes through great effort of study and reflection, but there may still remain some questions. This verse reveals a promise to me that one day I will see everything with perfect clarity. That which is now partial and incomplete in my understanding will become fully known. In fact I will know with the same clarity as God knows me. Can you even begin to grasp what a full understanding will be like. Each time I write a Bible study I am reminded of this and long for the time when I will fully know what I just wrote about.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Romans 15:4 - 5

The Scriptures that were written in former days and delivered to us by God are for our instruction with the intent that we will learn them and follow them. These instructions form a handbook of how to walk with God and others through life. The Scriptures are clear that life will not be easy; in fact so difficult for some that it will cost them their lives. We are to endure in our study to learn how to endure the trials of life by being encouraged by the Scriptures, realizing the resources we have in Jesus Christ, that we might have hope. As we endure in our study and endure through life, God endures with us as he transforms our lives, conforming us into the image of his Son and when life is difficult, he gives us encouragement to live in harmony with one another in accordance with Christ Jesus. How well are we doing in obeying God's instructions? Viewing the level of holiness and righteousness among believers, the conclusion might be, not too well.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Mark 16:16

Baptism is not required for salvation, but is requested by God as a witness of our salvation. In some cultures this is a big step and a powerful witness. For a former Muslim to be baptized means "they became a Christian, and they left their life, and now they are ready to die for Jesus." I have to ask myself, "If they are willing to die for Jesus am I even willing to experience some discomfort for the sake of Jesus." How fortunate they are to not be bound by the idols of safety and comfort They are indeed able to stand before their persecutors with love and forgiveness.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Lamentations 3:22-25

Waiting is not something we easily do in this culture, but often it is in that waiting that God speaks to us. We must be willing to wait for his answers to our prayers and often through waithing for God we find growth and strength and we experience his presence more closely. Are we able to thank him for those times of waiting?

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Psalm 71:6

Some of the Psalms written by David make reference to the majesty of creation and to his experiences as a shepherd boy. In his early life he seemed to have a closeness to God, but how was that established; who taught him? How did he lean upon God from before his birth and what is the significance of God taking him from his mother's womb? Is there any relationship between this and how Paul was saved on the road to Damascus? Consider Revelation 13:8: "and all who dwell on earth will worship [the beast], everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain" (ESV). The names that were written are those the Father gives to Jesus, his Son, through salvation. The names of David and Paul were there. I think as a child, David sensed God's presence and believed it projected back before birth. At birth God was there to begin his work of preparing David to fulfill the plans, determined before birth, that David would follow. I believe that during his childhood, especially as a teen as a shepherd boy, God taught David about who he was. In what way do you see God's hand at work in your life?

Monday, January 11, 2016

2 Chronicles 34:21

Because of disobedience to the word of the Lord, the Jewish people experienced the wrath of God with many taken into captivity. At this time the priest Hilkiah found the Book of the Law and realized their sin. The book was brought to the king who was convicted when hearing it's words. He responds by requiring a return to obedience of that which was written in the book. As I think about this, I see the US going down the same path of destruction. We have the word of God, but the normal Christian has laid it aside with only casual interest in it and as a result have distanced themselves from God, allowing darkness to deepen in their hearts and their effectiveness for God to dwindle. As in the case of the Jewish people, should we not expect God's wrath to grow against us? As the light of Jesus Christ dims and spiritual darkness grows in this country, don't be surprised if the works of darkness continue to grow. We need to return to the word and obey it out of love.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Genesis 22:10-12

God promised Abraham that he and Sarah would have a son to be named Isaac; a child of promise. God then commands Abraham to offer up Isaac as proof that he loved and feared him more than he loved his son. Obeying God would seem to destroy the promise that he would produce a great nation from the offspring of Isaac. What is Abraham to do? To keep the promise is God's responsibility and to obey God is Abraham's. Abraham obeys and goes to offer the child of promise as a sacrifice as proof that he loves and fears God. Once the trial has gone far enough to determine the score, God ends it and spares Isaac so he can keep his promise to Abraham. The question before us is, "How much are you and I willing to risk to obey God? Are we willing to risk our job, our home, all our possessions and maybe a family member? What test have you passed to show that you love and fear God to the point of not withholding what is being asked?

Saturday, January 9, 2016

2 Chronicles 32:31

Have you ever experienced a difficulty in your life when you wondered where God had gone? "Hezekiah became sick and was at the point of death, and he prayed to the Lord, and he answered him and gave him a sign." Hezekiah was healed but instead of being humbled and giving thanks he became proud and sinned. He repented and humbled himself, but "God left him to himself, in order to test him and to know all that was in his heart." In a sense God left Job when he gave permission to Satan to abuse him to prove he was righteous. Maybe those times when we wonder where God is, it is when God has pulled back some so we can see what is really in our heart. God already knows, but he wants us to know also.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Psalm 46:1

This verse has to do with trouble; something we all experience on a regular basis. Clearly we are not alone in our trouble, because there is mention of help. The source of that help is God and he is always available. God is our refuge or place of safety during our trouble or time of suffering. He also provides the strength we need to endure the experience we are going through. We all face trouble, but as independent as we Americans are we often forget God and try to deal with the situation ourselves. Maybe we should instead spend more time in prayer, waiting on God.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Matthew 13:4-8

In the parable of the sower we usually explain it in terms of salvation, but consider it in terms of trials or testing. During a trial or a test we have the Word as a vital source of help, but opposing us is an external and an internal enemy. The external enemies that hinder the effectiveness of the Word in helping are listed as the birds that devour, rocky ground and scorching sun and chocking thorns. We have enemies today that hinder us in applying the Word to our needs. The internal enemy is the condition of the soil; how well have we prepared our heart through study and prayer. As I consider this parable I need to evaluate how I am preparing to resist these enemies in the future when times of testing come. Good preparation is needed to produce a good learning and growth experience when testing does comes.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

1 Peter 1:8-9

Do you believe in Jesus Christ and been born again (two births one death versus one birth and two deaths)? If so, do you now rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory? I confess that I don't and as a result I often wonder How I can change my walk with the Lord so that I can. It seems that I am so polluted with the world that I am not able to experience the holiness and righteousness of life that is needed to allow the experience of such joy What is your experience with joy like? Are you willing to comment on this?

Sunday, January 3, 2016

James 1:2 - 4

What is the purpose of trials in our lives? 1) To find out what is real in our Christian life, 2) To find out what areas I need to work on, and 3) To find areas where God needs to begin work in my life. God doesn't need to test us to know this; he test us or allows tests so that we know. Remember those test we had in school? Clearly they made known to us what we knew at the time. Trials are a part of life that encourages us towards becoming more like Jesus (This thought was prompted from my reading of "Broken For A Purpose" by Gisela Yohannan, page 54.)