Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Romans 15:4 - 5

The Scriptures that were written in former days and delivered to us by God are for our instruction with the intent that we will learn them and follow them. These instructions form a handbook of how to walk with God and others through life. The Scriptures are clear that life will not be easy; in fact so difficult for some that it will cost them their lives. We are to endure in our study to learn how to endure the trials of life by being encouraged by the Scriptures, realizing the resources we have in Jesus Christ, that we might have hope. As we endure in our study and endure through life, God endures with us as he transforms our lives, conforming us into the image of his Son and when life is difficult, he gives us encouragement to live in harmony with one another in accordance with Christ Jesus. How well are we doing in obeying God's instructions? Viewing the level of holiness and righteousness among believers, the conclusion might be, not too well.

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