Monday, January 11, 2016

2 Chronicles 34:21

Because of disobedience to the word of the Lord, the Jewish people experienced the wrath of God with many taken into captivity. At this time the priest Hilkiah found the Book of the Law and realized their sin. The book was brought to the king who was convicted when hearing it's words. He responds by requiring a return to obedience of that which was written in the book. As I think about this, I see the US going down the same path of destruction. We have the word of God, but the normal Christian has laid it aside with only casual interest in it and as a result have distanced themselves from God, allowing darkness to deepen in their hearts and their effectiveness for God to dwindle. As in the case of the Jewish people, should we not expect God's wrath to grow against us? As the light of Jesus Christ dims and spiritual darkness grows in this country, don't be surprised if the works of darkness continue to grow. We need to return to the word and obey it out of love.

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