Thursday, June 2, 2016

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Part 4

Things Seen Are Transient - Things Unseen Are Eternal 

Last time we found it was normal to have affliction now in preparation for an eternal state of glory later on. In this lesson we will consider the difference between things seen and those unseen. The things that are seen are described as being transient and things we are not to look to. In 1 John 2:15 - 17, we are told not to love the things of the world because if we do there is no place left for the love of the Father. These things would include the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life. We are not to invest in things that are passing away, but to do the will of God and that will would be to look to the things unseen that are eternal. We are to look at things like mercy, grace, salvation, forgiveness and the fruit of the Spirit. We are to be crucified with Christ, to the desires and things of the world to allow Jesus Christ to bless us with the things that are eternal and seen only in their effects.


Father, with our citizenship now in heaven, we are here on assignment as aliens and strangers. The temptation is great to allow our focus to drift from our assignment to involvement in what the world has to offer. Help us remember our assignment to search out the lost sheep among us and disciple them to prepare them to do likewise until all lost sheep listed in the book of life are found and accounted for. Father, protect us from that which we can see and encourage us to work toward and invest in that which is not seen or understood by those of unbelief.

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