Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Romans 5:3-5 Perseverance

There are many forms of tribulation, but one that is on the rise is persecution of Christians. Christian persecution goes back to the time of Jesus Christ, who was persecuted by the Jews and finally hung on a cross to die. That death, planned by the Jews to eliminate a sinless man they couldn't tolerate, God used as payment for our salvation. Jesus, the Son of God, Messiah, was chosen by God the Father to leave heaven and endure life on earth among sinful people, as the Son of Man, and then die in our place, taking upon himself our sin. Jesus made it clear that as he was hated so would be those who followed him in belief.

Here in our text Paul tells us to glory in our tribulation, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance or endurance. What is so important about perseverance that we should glory in our tribulation over it? That perseverance marks us or sets us apart because of the Christ-like character it produces in us and as we see God create that character it gives us hope in things to come. Through this process we are we are encouraged by the love that God pours into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who is given to us. That love is not alone as it manifest itself through producing joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22 - 23). As we persevere, displaying these characteristics of love, God uses this as a witness to build the Church. Just as Jesus suffered and died for our salvation, some are called upon to suffer and even die for the growth of the church. As we persevere; as we stand firm, resisting opposition by God's strength, we will endure and overcome, setting an example for others to follow. When temptation to give up comes or to give in to the demands of the enemy, let us not forget God's promise to give us strength and hope as we persevere.


Father, I pray that when tribulation comes, as a test of our faith, that we will be willing to lay aside our friendship with safety, security and comfort and persevere by your strength, displaying the characteristics of your love as a witness as we endure our suffering. Father, use our suffering as an opportunity to conform us into the image of your Son, Jesus, and touch someone's life through our example as a witness. As we glory in our tribulation may this bring honor and glory to you.

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