Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Acts 20:24 Joy

Paul is on his way to Jerusalem and doesn't know all that will happen to him there. He knows that chains and tribulations await him, but he then tells us that these things are not of concern to him. In fact he doesn't even count his life dear to him. The thing that is important to him is to do the work assigned to him by the Lord Jesus, to testify of the gospel of the grace of God and to do it with joy even if it cost him his life. In other parts of the world people are living like this now. People are willing to embrace Christianity knowing that life will become much more difficult, even to the point of death for some. They are willing to make this sacrifice because when God, who is love, comes to live in them, he  brings joy and peace and the ability to love and forgive those who are persecuting them. They are living out the example of Jesus on the cross. He knew the cross was ahead for him, but for the joy that was set  before him he was willing to endure it and love his enemies and forgive them. Where are you in your walk with the Lord? Are you able to experience joy in the midst of your trials? Remember what James said, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds" (James 1:2 NIV). Joy, unlike happiness, is not determined by external conditions but by the extent we allow Jesus to live his life in and through us. When experiencing trials, joy then becomes a measure of our walk with the Lord. Can you and will you rejoice in the midst of your suffering in this world because of your eternal hope in Jesus Christ?


Father, as I study your word and write these posts; as I walk with the Lord and live out what I am learning, I find that joy and peace are always present. Father, thank you for allowing me to personally know some who have suffered for their faith and have shared their testimonies with me. Thank you for the time I spent in ministry in China in open and also in secret places. It prepared me to live in America and read the Bible with a fresh outlook.

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