Sunday, July 3, 2016

2 Timothy 3:16

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16 ESV). It is important that our children be acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make one wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ (V15). These sacred writings, all of Scripture, written down by men, have come from God for our benefit and therefore need to be studied and understood so we can teach it to others. Scripture is important as a standard for establishing boundaries for ones’ conduct. The fear of reproof encourages one to do what is right. Scripture is also important as a means of correcting ones’ behavior in the process of our maturing. Scripture is our training manual, our guide for how to live in righteousness. As we study the Scriptures we grow in our understanding of God and moral living and become more complete as a person and with this understanding we are equipped for doing good work for God, touching the lives of others in their areas of need. If Scripture is not an integral part of our lives, then how can we expect to know God or how to live fulfilled meaningful lives and would we not then expect the growth of evil and the breakdown of society? As God breathed out Scripture for us, maybe we need to be more intentional about breathing it in. (The context from which verse 16 is taken.)


Father, there is so much more one can write about this verse; the importance of Scripture in the face of persecution; the possibility of suffering if we live according to the Scriptures; and our level of desire for the Scriptures. Father, as I study the lives of those who suffer and even die for their faith, I better understand the setting of this verse we are studying and I see the importance of knowing Scripture from which to draw strength through a living hope that is ours through Jesus Christ and for the importance of our proper character when being persecuted. Lord, thank you for the benefits that are ours if we know and live by the Scriptures you breathed out for us.

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