Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Romans 6:23

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23 ESV). This verse ends the section in which Paul is struggling with sin in his life. We are not to allow sin to reign over us or even allow our bodies to become instruments of unrighteousness. We must make a choice to either be slaves of sin or slaves of righteousness, as we cannot serve two masters. That choice also determines whether we live or die spiritually.

The payment we receive for being engaged in sin is death; a fair wage determined by God. Therefore, one little tiny sin and you are condemned to an eternity in hell, unless God chooses to extend mercy to you and offer you the free gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. Acceptance of the gift of eternal life releases us from the bondage of sin, but does not remove us from the struggle we will have with sin during our physical life. God knows we will still sin, but our goal is to sin less as we grow in Christ-likeness.


Father, thank you for providing us with a single verse with which we can share the gospel. If we choose to remain in our sin, we will remain condemned to death. If we choose to come to Jesus in faith, he will provide us with the free gift of eternal life. Thank you for the way of salvation that has been provided through Jesus Christ.

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