Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Matthew 6:33 Kingdom of God

Kingdom of God

The kingdom of God or kingdom of heaven is found many times in the New Testament, but it is not defined because any Israeli would know its meaning from the Old Testament. However, if you check you will not find the actual phrase “kingdom of God” used there, but the theme is. There God is presented as king over all of creation. He is also portrayed as king over Israel in a special way. To rule with him, God has appointed human kings a key role to play in his kingdom. This began with Adam when God established him as a king to rule the whole world under God as the true king over all creation. However, Adam fails and God initiates plan B.

God next turns to the nation of Israel that developed from the seed of Abraham.  God’s plan was to establish Israel as a great nation with a succession of kings who would rule over the entire world through his chosen means. Because of sin, if dominion over the earth was to be possible it would have to be a gift from God, which was to be given in the context of God’s saving redemption of a sinful people, which is why the sacrificial system became so central in Israel’s national life. Israel is saved through the Exodus in order to become a kingdom of priest and a holy nation, assigned the task of spreading the glory of God to everyone on earth and showing them the way of salvation. However, they failed to carry out their assignment and God had to turn to plan C, which comes out of a promise made to David that God would establish the throne of his kingdom forever.

With Israel in exile, God uses prophetic teaching to establish hope concerning the Kingdom of God. This teaching made it clear that the only hope for establishing an enduring and faithful kingdom would require a future work of God’s redemption. To accomplish this, God brings his people back from exile and sets up Israel again as a nation and makes a promise of a coming king in the role of Messiah. The Jews saw this as another earthly kingdom with Messiah as king. What they did not understand was that this was not a mere deliverance from their enemies, but an exodus of chosen people through spiritual birth who would establish the kingdom of God to inhabit God’s new creation. This coming Messiah that God was going to use to establish this Kingdom of God was his only Son who he sent and sacrificed as the person of Jesus.

What then is the Kingdom of God? It is a body of believers who have been born spiritually and have subjected themselves under the loving rule of Jesus Christ as their king. Together they will have dominion over the new creation.

An excellent source of information on the Kingdom of God is found at this location

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