Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Philippians 4:19

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19 ESV). Looking at the context of our verse, we find Paul in prison explaining how God has met his needs through the help of the Philippians believers. He then exclaims that his God will supply our every need.

Through belief and surrender to Jesus Christ, his God becomes our God and as we seek help from him he will supply every need of ours; not just some, but all of them and not just now, but for as long as we live. These needs will be met according to the rich supply in Christ Jesus. We must not stop here, but ask what these needs might be? Are they simply things we want, or real needs required for proper living, or are they needs for spiritual growth? As these needs of ours are met through the kindness of his grace, how do they through us return glory to him? We might also consider for what purpose do we have these needs. Let us be careful to be sure our purpose is worthy to meet a sincere need to his glory and not ours.


Father, there is such a wide range of needs and reasons for our needs which need to be evaluated through prayer as part of our asking for that need to be met. I believe we need to consider how the process of asking for our need, having the need supplied, and using that which is supplied affects our relationship with you and our walk with the Lord. Being supplied from the riches of Christ in relationship to his glory, begs an honest analysis of the purpose of, or reason for our need. God desires to meet legitimate needs for which I am sincerely thankful.

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