Thursday, October 13, 2016

1 John 3:18

“Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” (1 John 3:18 ESV). Our verse is from a section of Scripture on loving one another. No matter how we have been treated we are to love in return because whoever does not love abides in death. If we hate, we are known as a murderer and we are lacking eternal life; so how do we know love? We look to Jesus, who laid down his life for us, giving us an example that we should be willing to lay down our lives for our brother if called upon to do so. Love is also shown in our willingness to help a brother in need if we are able. It is in this context that we find our verse.

In an expression of affection, John says, “Little children” and then gives instruction. First he tells us how not to love, followed by how. We are not to love in word or talk by simply saying “I love you.” Those words are to be backed up with action, even sacrifice if necessary. Jesus spoke words of love and then sacrificed himself on the cross as a demonstration of his love for us. Saying, “I love you” may be more of an expression of feeling than a desire to do something for their benefit. Love and sacrifice cannot be separated; their like two faces of a coin. Jesus made that very clear by dying on the cross as an expression of his love for us in purchasing our salvation.


Father, love has become primarily an expression of an emotion today, not an expression of commitment and sacrifice for the benefit of the one being loved. Jesus said to his enemies, as he hung dying on the cross, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” This example motivates believers to faithfully stand before those who hate them with an expression of love and forgiveness. Love is first an action, which may or may not be accompanied by the emotion or feeling of love. Father, thank you for your expression of love by your willingness to sacrifice your Son for our sin and Lord, thank you for your expression of love for us by dying on a cross to purchase our salvation. 

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