Sunday, October 16, 2016

Hebrews 12:3

“For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:3 NASB). The section from which our verse comes from describes a race that we are to run with endurance and without encumbrance and with our eyes fixed on Jesus. We are to look to him as our example, who for the joy that was placed before him endured the cross, despising the shame associated with it.

Our verse means so much more to the one suffering under persecution than it does to us living here in the west. As they experience evil hostilities by sinners they are to think of Jesus, who endured similar hostilities, as encouragement to press on with their race toward their inheritance in heaven. As Jesus did, we are to look beyond our temporary suffering to the eternal joy we will experience when we are with him. Remember, we will die once and whether we die under persecution as an effective witness or a natural death later, we still will die.


Father, here in the west where we are friendly with the idols of safety, security and comfort, we tend to see suffering and the possible loss of life as unnecessary and a waste of resource. As a result, we tend to retreat from the frontline of spiritual battle, giving up ground to the enemy. Is it any wonder that the church is losing its effectiveness here in the west, but is growing under persecution where believers are willing to stand with the Lord against evil hostilities? Father, I am afraid that as we embrace our three idols we do not realize our coming judgment. Father, have mercy on us because we are so unprepared for what may await us in a short time. 

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