Saturday, January 14, 2017

Be Wise as Serpents

“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” (Matthew 10:16 ESV). The command we are looking at is “Be Wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” The context our verse is from is about persecution. As believers, we are described as sheep that are being sent out in the midst of wolves to share the gospel. As a result of this threat to our safety, we are commanded to be wise and innocent in the face of persecution. Looking ahead in this section, we also find that in the face of persecution we are to beware of men, not be anxious, not be afraid but to endure with love and forgiveness.

Selecting the serpent as a symbol of wisdom is found in the early parables of most eastern nations. We find the serpent being described in Genesis 3:1 as being craftier than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. We are to be wise in how we live among those who would persecute us. We can gain this wisdom by walking close to Jesus and learning from those who face persecution today. We need to understand our enemy and how to maintain a strong position with the Lord. If overcome by the enemy, we will also need wisdom to know how to respond.

The dove is a symbol of innocence. The dove, as a symbol of the Spirit of God, descended and came to rest on Jesus at his baptism; this Jesus being innocent of any crime was condemned to die on the cross for our benefit. In the face of persecution, we are, like Jesus, to maintain a life of innocence.


Father, as we live in the face of evil we are to be wise in our walk and innocent in our behavior and if we are forced to suffer for our faith I pray that we would maintain our witness through our love and forgiveness. Maybe this is the only way the one persecuting us will have to experience the gospel. Father, I pray for my brothers and sisters who are suffering for their faith, that they would be encouraged, would be able to endure the trial, and would stand steadfast in their faith. 

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