Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Beware of Covetousness

“And he said to them, "Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."” (Luke 12:15 ESV). In this verse, Jesus commands us to beware of covetousness or to wrongly desire something, possibly without regard for the rights of others. This command comes out of a request made by someone in the crowd listening to Jesus, who wanted help in getting part of an inheritance from a family member. In this context Jesus gives a warning against equating a good life with the accumulation of things.

Jesus illustrates this command with a parable of the rich man who should have a very good harvest and decided to tear down his old barns and build larger ones so he could store the harvest and enjoy a good life for many years. Jesus calls him a fool because his focus is on the benefits of his harvest and not on the needs of others or on his own preparation for eternity. Jesus refers to anyone who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God as a fool.


Father, living in a country of great wealth, it is easy to covet things and build your life around them and be distracted from preparing for life after death. With such access to things, we have become comfortable and lose sight of the importance of spiritual growth and the need to share the gospel with others. Father, my concern for the western church is that as we covet things and refuse to share the gospel, we are opening the door for persecution to come upon us as judgment. Father, have mercy on us and draw us back to you.

See "The Commands of Jesus" Index to view other commands.

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