Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Be a House of Prayer

“He said to them, "It is written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer,' but you make it a den of robbers."” (Matthew 21:13 ESV). Jesus comes into the temple and finds an area where Jews and Gentiles could come and pray filled with money changers and people buying and selling items for the sacrifice. In righteous anger, Jesus drives them out and stating, from Isaiah 56:7, that this is to be a house of prayer, but instead the space was corrupted through merchandising and cheating.

Jesus commands they use the temple as a house of prayer. This command applies to us as believers because our bodies are described as temples of the Holy Spirit. I would broaden this to include our churches and ask you to think about the decreasing importance of prayer in both cases and how it is being replaces with other activities and interest. How many churches still have a midweek prayer service or even a Sunday night service. How many of you see the importance of time each day for prayer? I believe this command of Jesus applies to us in that we are to keep our temple from pollution and embrace the act of daily prayer.


Father, in the same way that corruption crept into the temple it is creeping into our churches and our lives by replacing the activity of prayer with some worldly practice. The changes I have seen and experienced during my 80 years of life is truly disturbing. For most believers, prayer to involve God in our activities and ministry has been replaced with our own effort. As a result, what is accomplished is only a reflection of our efforts, not a joint effort with God.

See "The Commands of Jesus" Index to view other commands.

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