There are particular events in history that stand out as milestones. One such event was the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, from which our calendar years are measured. Another such event was the death of King Uzziah, who was one of the greatest kings of Jewish history. The greatest of them was King David who was the greatest warrior and administrator, who was a model of the coming Messiah. King Uzziah was also one who stood out for his righteousness and godliness, who reigned for 52 years, and when he died he left a sense of fear and uncertainty among the people of Israel. He was a king who sought God and as long as he did God poured out his blessing upon the nation. But late in his life he became proud and decided to also fill the role of priest and offer up an offering. For that sin God brought his life to an end and left the people wondering who they would ever find who would be a stable godly leader. At that time God anointed Isaiah as prophet who introduces the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple. God uses the death of Uzziah as an opportunity to introduce the coming Messiah and King through his words spoken through Isaiah. At the appointed time the Son of God, the Logos, the Messiah, in the person of Jesus arrives on earth and through him changes the course of history. But at the time of the death of Uzziah, another event occurred which would have a profound effect on life on earth for hundreds of years. The year of the death of Uzziah and the announcement of a coming eternal King, the small village of Rome was established, which would grow into a mighty empire to be in power at the arrival of Jesus. What a powerful example we have before us of the sovereignty of God in administrating his plans on earth.
Father, there are so many examples in the Bible of people who late in life became proud of their accomplishments instead of continuing to walk humbly with you. With pride comes judgment and what would have been a life that finished strong, it instead ends in shame. Father, I find it amazing how these three events fit together; the death of Uzziah, the anointing of Isaiah and his prophesies about the Lord Jesus, and the beginning of Rome. Events like these don't just happen; they are under your sovereign control. Thank you for your love, mercy and grace. To you I offer up my praise.