Thursday, April 21, 2016

Psalm 136:1 Thanks

The exhortation is intense at the beginning of this Psalm to give thanks to the One described as the Lord, the God of gods and the Lord of lords. There is no one else besides him for he is over all. We are to give thanks for he is good and his steadfast love endures forever. God is good and all the time God is good because God is love. This love is expressed in goodness; a goodness beyond all others; a goodness we have seen, proved and tasted. Our living God is the source and sustainer of all good. His great love and goodness endures forever and for that he deserves our constant thanks, no matter our circumstances. He is not to blame for this fallen evil world in which we live and even from this he has, out of his love for us, shown kindness by providing a means of salvation in his Son Jesus Christ.


Father, how slow we are to give thanks and so quick to complain. In all things we are to give thanks. We can not do that if focused on our trouble, but we can if focused on your love and goodness to us. Father, I think of Jesus who was willing to come and live as a man in a world of sin and then accept our sin and die in our place. As he hung, nailed to the cross, feeling forsaken by you, out of love he prays for those who hate him so, to forgive them because they do not understand what they are doing. Father, how can we not give thanks for your goodness and steadfast love that endures forever?

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