Saturday, April 16, 2016

Hebrews 4:14-16

Our text contains two commandments: Hold fast our confession (v14) and, Draw near with confidence (v16). To hold fast is to persevere, waiting upon the Lord to gain strength (Isaiah 40:31), not letting anything distract us or discourage us. To draw near with confidence is to come before the throne of grace in prayer to find grace to help in our time of need. Our confession and confidence is based on truth about who Jesus is: Our great high priest, the Son of God, who has passed through the heavens before us. Jesus is able to sympathize with our weakness because in every respect he has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. The fact that Jesus is now seated at the right hand oh his Father's throne of grace, having died in our place for our sins, we have a basis for our perseverance of confession and for our confidence to boldly come before that throne of grace. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus we now have a lining hope to see us through those horrific trials of life.


Father, as I think about the church in America, I wonder how well we would do in holding fast to our confession in the face of persecution? Would we while being tortured or even in the face of death, continue to stand firm with the Lord? I wonder if we have enough experience before the throne of grace to have the boldness to come with confidence to obtain help in time of our need? I wonder if maybe we shouldn't get to know our great high priest better to have a stronger foundation on which to encourage our obedience of these two commands. Father, have mercy on us that we would get our priorities in the right order. 

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