Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Jeremiah 33:2-3 Calling

The Lord who made the earth, who formed it and establish it, tells us to call on him and he will answer. God, whose name is the Lord, the Son of God, speaks an expression manifesting his favor and loving kindness, listens for us to call upon him with our desires. In Jeremiah 29:12 is the instruction to call upon the Lord in prayer and he will hear. It is true the Lord was speaking to Jeremiah, but God's kindness toward him reflects his affection toward the people and in general toward us. God does have our welfare in mind. For us these great and hidden things could pertain to things like the mystery of the church, Christ in us the hope of glory, hope in the midst of suffering, great power through humility, to name several; things we may need to understand as we navigate life here on earth. God loves us and wants to hear from us and meet our needs through the kindness of his grace. He desires to reveal himself to us; to make himself known to us; to have a growing relationship with us. We need to learn humility and surrender ourselves before him and call upon him and enjoy him.


Lord, you have sacrificed so much for us and provided a salvation, so rich and free. Your desire is that we would humble ourselves before you and call out to you, allowing us to receive and enjoy your presence and the kindness of your grace. Lord, I am yours.

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