Friday, May 20, 2016

Mark 5:36

We need to be very careful when we select a statement like, “Do not fear, only believe.” and use it to make a point. The setting from which this was taken, we find a ruler of the synagogue had come to Jesus with a request to come and heal his dying daughter. On the way there they were delayed by a woman who wanted to touch Jesus to obtain healing. That touch drew power from Jesus causing him to determine who it was and when he found out he had conversation with her. In the meantime a person came from the ruler's house and reported that the child had died. Jesus hearing this made the statement we are considering. Those five words, seen in the photo, caught my attention and has caused me to think about them.

The statement is made us of two parts: "Do not fear" and "Only believe;" that which we are not to do and that which we are to do when encountering a difficult situation. Experience has shown me that it is easy to worry, to imagine the worst will happen, to listen to negative advice of friends or to my negative self talk, or to fear; maybe all of the above. Jesus told the father of the now dead girl to only believe; to have faith. There are other verses that support this: "And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.”" (Mark 5:34 ESV); "And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’!All things are possible for one who believes.”" (Mark 9:23 ESV); "Jesus said to her, “Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?”" (John 11:40 ESV). In these examples it is faith that produces the results, not something else like fear, worry or imagination. This extra we add to our faith tends to destroy the faith we do have; to make it ineffective.Because of our wealth we can put forth effort to solve the problem or minimize its negative effects on us until the trial goes away, or at least becomes manageable, and not wait on God to accomplish his purpose in our life through the trial. In our culture it seems that God is second best or maybe not even part of the solution. In cultures where God is the only choice people have greater experience with God providing and thus for them it is easier to only believe than it is for us.

The father was told not to bother Jesus and return home in grief instead of continuing on to Jesus, now with the request to raise her from the dead. Fortunately, Jesus knew what had happened and reached out to the father and said, "Do not fear, only believe." How often have we sabotage our faith with some additive and miss the blessing God had for us?


Father, how we need to learn to apply these simple five words, "Do not fear, only believe." and wait upon you for directions on how you want us to proceed and what you want to accomplish through the situation in our lives.

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