Thursday, May 19, 2016

Psalm 105:4 Seeking

To seek is to search for or attempt to find something. To seek the Lord does not mean he is lost and needs to be found, but according to our verse we are to search for his presence and his strength and we are to do it continually. To be in the presence of the Lord is to have fellowship with him. In the beginning Adam and Eve had intimate fellowship in the in the physical presence of God, but because of there sin that physical intimacy has been replaced by his presence within us by virtue of the indwelling Holy Spirit. To seek the Lord is to seek the intimacy of his presence within us by virtue of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

It is easy to allow distance to develop toward a friend. We may become neglectful or in some way hurt our friend. It takes effort and requires strength to maintain a closeness of friendship. The same is true with the Lord. To seek the Lord is something we must do continually with the strength he supplies. If we don't the brightness of his personal character will fade from us. We must set our mind and heart to seek the Lord our God (1 Chronicles 22:19). If we have been raised up with Christ then part of seeking the Lord is to seek the things that are above; to set our mind on those things and not on the things that are on the earth (Colossians 3:1 - 2). If we seek the Lord he will be found (1 Chronicles 28:9) and when he is found there is reward (Hebrews 1:6). He is our greatest reward because when we have him we have everything. Therefore, "Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!"


Father, I pray that I would set my mind and my heart to seek you on a regular basis; that my relationship with you would grow and that I would have a better understanding of your will for my life. I pray for strength and desire to live according to your will; to seek the things that are above and not the things of this world. Father, thank you for revealing yourself to me and allowing me to come into your holy presence through the Lord Jesus Christ.

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