Saturday, May 7, 2016

Mark 4:39, 41

Imagine that you are in a small boat with a couple of friends and are overtaken by the storm you see in the picture. As the storm grows and the waves increase in size, your fear grows as you realize you might drown, but then one of your friends says, "Fear not!" and then speaking to the storm and to the sea he says, "Peace! Be still!" and there was a great calm. What would your thoughts and feelings be concerning your friend, especially since his life sets a standard before you that you can't begin to reach. Would you not wonder who your friend was and maybe now feel some fear concerning him? Would that fear not come from the fact that you have no category in which to put him and possibly what power he might have over you? Have you ever stopped and thought what you as a believer will experience when you stand before the judgment seat of Christ? What shame will you experience when the fire burns off the worthless part of your life, leaving only the part done to the glory oh God? There seems to be sections of the Bible that are not taught today because it might cause people to get upset or maybe just uncomfortable. Do you suppose this do not offend type of preaching has had any bearing on the direction this country is going? Maybe it is time we stopped being cultural Christians and learn how to live as Biblical Christians.


Father, when I think about Jesus and the kind of life he lived on earth and then think further what he will be like when I see him in heaven, I then wonder what we will be like when we get to heaven. Father, I can't even begin to imagine what it will be like to be entirely free of my sin nature and never again in all of eternity commit a single sin, but to live a holy and righteous life like you do. I can't even begin to imagine the memory capacity and mental abilities we will have. But most of all, will be our relationships, with you, the Lord and members of our family. Father, I can hardly wait, but until then there is much work left to do. 

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