Tuesday, May 3, 2016

John 7:17

There are times when we as Christians have to choose between trouble for our bodies or trouble for our souls when doing the will of God. To illustrate this I will choose an extreme example, which is more common in countries of persecution than here in the west. If several violent men approach you and demand that you renounce your faith or you will be severely beaten, you can choose trouble for your body and stand firm in your faith or your can avoid severe pain and experience eternal regret. I read and hear testimonies of those who were not willing or maybe able to endure additional suffering and have yielded only to spend months that become years in shame and regret for denying the Lord. Even here in America we may choose earthly security over eternal significance when it comes to sharing our faith. How willing are we to take an earthly risk that may result in spiritual gain? Remember, we were chosen by God for salvation, to love and serve him and when that service takes us outside of our safety and comfort zone, God will be there, if we seek him, to provide wisdom and strength for the situation.


Father, when I taught in an underground school in China, you provided me with the opportunity to learn what it was like to live under persecution. You arranged for me to spend time with students who grew up with parents who had been in prison or were there at the time. Prison time was something they considered to be part of the Christian life. With this mentality it seems easier for them to chose trouble for their bodies than it is for us here in America. Father, thank you for those eight years in China and the opportunity it provided me to experience living under conditions we would consider uncomfortable here at home. Father, I am afraid that when persecution comes it may be much more difficult for us to choose trouble for our bodies than it would be for those growing up under persecution. Father, thank you for what I am learning from my brothers and sisters who are able to maintain their faith during extreme situations. 

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