Sunday, May 8, 2016

Psalm 27:14 Waiting

When life becomes difficult and we face troubles of various kinds and intensity, we can choose to respond in one of several ways depending upon what emotion is strongest at the time. Often times this will produce a response from our sinful nature that may complicate the situation and not help us. We need to learn that during difficult times we need to pull back and "wait for the Lord" to take his place in the situation. When we settle down and wait for the him we will find growth in strength and our hearts will become more courageous. Psalm 62:5 tells us to wait in silence for God alone because our hope is from him. Those who wait for the Lord are further encouraged from Isaiah 40:31; for we are told that "the Lord shall renew [our] strength; we shall mount up with wings like eagles; we shall run and not be weary; [and we] shall walk and not faint." "The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him" (Lamentations 3:25). When we look to the Lord and wait for him he will hear us (Micah 7:7). It seems prudent, but at first it may not seem practical, to wait upon the Lord and his provision to help us in our time of need. Maybe we need to think more about this and practice waiting before him with prayer, in humility with an attitude of expectancy. Our western culture has little tolerance for waiting on the Lord, but his word instructs us to wait and when we do it provides God time to provide the help we need.


Father, living in this western culture where we need to find a solution now and get back to our living in safety, security and comfort, we have to be intentional, to be patient as we endure the situation we are in and wait for you to accomplish what you want in and through our lives. Father, we need to be encouraged to engage in a closer walk with the Lord in our trials so as to understand what he wants to accomplish. Help me more fully understand how those facing severe persecution wait upon the Lord, are strengthened and find encouragement to endure and not turn from their faith. 

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