Monday, March 7, 2016

1 Peter 5:6 - 10 Part 1

Part 1. My intent was to share only one verse to keep my post simple, but when I looked at the verse about the devil prowling around like a roaring lion, I realized I would not be able to restrain myself, so we will have to endure another teaching series. It is important to understand the context of these verses, which is persecution, with the theme of the book of 1 Peter being, "Hope in the midst of suffering." As I study the lives of my brothers and sisters under persecution I sense the urgency to prepare myself and others to face and endure what they are going through. 

We will begin with verse 6 next time, but will conclude this lesson with some hard questions. Do you believe the rapture will come before you have to face death at the hands of your enemy the devil? If you should wake up one morning and realize that you need to evaluate the value of you relationship with Jesus, how much are you willing to give? Are you willing to sacrifice your job, your comfortable home, maybe a family member, and maybe your own life, are you ready and willing to do that? These are questions our brothers and sisters in other countries have had to answer and now experience the results of their answers at the hands of terrorists groups like ISIS. How prepared are you?

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