Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Psalm 118:28 - 29 Praise

When one says, "Praise the Lord," what does one mean? Praise comes from the Hebrew word yadah, which also means to give thanks or to confess. On a closer examination I found two other Hebrew words from which praise comes; In Psalm 149:3: "Let them praise [halal] His name with the dance; Let them sing praises [zamar] to Him with the timbrel and harp." Halal means to praise, glorify, boast, commend and zamar means to make music or sing praise; in this psalm these words are expressed with dance and singing.

As I look at the words used in the Psalms to express praise and the various forms of expressing praise, I realize the need to consider the desired end result of praising God, which is to exalt him and his name above all else.


Father, when I use the word "praise," I pray that it is full of meaning from my heart for what you mean to me; for what you are to me; for what you have done for me; for your lascivious love and kindness toward me. Oh how I exalt you and your name above all else. Oh my God, I praise you!

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