Sunday, March 6, 2016

Philippians 1:29

The more I learn about persecution the clearer many verses become. Removed from the context of persecution some verses are difficult to clearly understand in our comfortable western culture. Sometimes we skip over these verses or only reference the positive aspect of the verse. In the verse before us is this positive and negative; granted that for the sake of Christ that we should believe, but also granted for the sake of Christ that we should suffer. In our western culture it is easy to teach about the importance of believing in Christ, but it is not easy to teach that it is normal to suffer once becoming a Christian. In cultures where Christians are persecuted, suffering is considered part of becoming a Christian. If you lived under persecution how do you think that would affect your relationship and walk with Jesus Christ? If knowing that you would face persecution would you still have accepted Jesus Christ into your life? Do you think you would deny him now if you faced persecution?

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