Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Psalm 100:2 Service

When we quiet our hearts for a moment and consider what great things God has done for us, should we not see the need to fear his discipline for disobedience and serve him faithfully with all of our heart and soul? Remember, as believers, we are God's workmanship, created as a new creatures in Christ Jesus for good works, work which God has already prepared for us to do. While doing this work we should out of love and gratitude, serve him with gladness and when we come to serve Him we should come with an attitude to accept possible discomfort, rejection, hunger, thirst, tiredness and be willing to bear our cross without complaint.


Father, thank you for choosing us and causing us to be born again. Thank you for considering us worthy to be your servants to labor in your fields. Show us mercy in helping us serve you with gladness.

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