Saturday, March 12, 2016

1 Peter 5:6 - 10 Part 5

Part 5. Last time we looked at the importance of being sober-minded and watchful because we have an enemy that wants to devour us. Considering the threat of ISIS and other groups like them against Christians, with deaths at an all time high, is is easy to understand the concept of the devil as a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. In this lesson we will look at, "Resist him, strong in your faith, because you know that your brothers and sisters throughout the world are enduring the same kinds of suffering" (1 Peter 5:9 NET).

I believe the statements "resist him" and "strong in your faith" indicate two different events and/or time frames. As long as we are free we need to use various methods, like legal, to help maintain our freedom to express our faith. We need to pray for wisdom to know how to resist the enemy. If the enemy has us in custody, we are not to resist even if it means our death. We are to be strong in our faith and not deny the Lord. Our submission, love for the enemy, and offering forgiveness is a powerful witness and has resulted in the conversion of many onlookers as well as hardened terrorists. Those on the front lines need to be strong in their faith while those who are free need to resist the enemy. We in the west need to understand this and provide the support and encouragement for our brothers and sisters who are giving their lives in spiritual battle. Let us not forget that we are family.


Father, we in the western church need to learn from those being persecuted to learn the ways you bless them, what it means to have your love poured into them, and the fellowship of suffering they have with each other and with the Lord. We need to learn to have empathy toward them and understand how it is such a great honor to suffer for our faith. I believe we also need to be more careful in how we interrupt various verses to see them in the context of suffering in which they were written. Father, help us in the west to be better prepared to live with persecution when is comes.

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