Sunday, March 13, 2016

1 Peter 5:6 - 10 Part 6

Part 6. Last time we considered the difference between "resist the devil" and "be strong in your faith". We saw them as two different events and/or time frames. In this lesson, and our last on these verses, we need to consider what waits us after we have suffered for a little while. Against the time frame of eternity, our suffering here on earth, especially under persecution, can't last longer than a life time and that is little compared to our time in heaven.

We need to fix our focus on what God of all grace has in store for us after our suffering. When I see grace I often think of "justice" - receiving what you deserve, "mercy" - not receiving what you deserve, and "grace" - receiving what you don't deserve. Our God, our Father, has called us to his eternal glory in Christ. We did not initiate our coming; our Father chose us and called us through his Son. As a lost sheep we hear the call and we respond and follow our Shepherd, the Lord and one day we will stand before him and experience his eternal glory. So, what will the God of all grace do for us? He will restore us to a perfect state in heaven; he will confirm that we  belong to him and have eternal life; he will strengthen us when weakness wants to overcome us, especially when we face being tortured; he will establish us with him for an eternity. When we find ourselves going through a fiery trial, we need to fully understand what God has done for us and has waiting for us.


Father, as we finish this series of lessons on suffering caused by persecution, I pray that in some small way my readers have been helped in their understanding of persecution and the importance of being prepared to live through it when it comes. We who are so used to comfort and safety may find it to be very stressful when persecution threatens our safety and comfort. Father help us learn from those suffering in other countries.

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