Sunday, March 20, 2016

Does God Have Needs

On the backside of a card I give to people I meet are some questions about ones origin, the meaning of life, our morality and our destiny. There is also a diagram shown that points out that the wages of sin is death. Sin came into the world through one man, Adam, and death through sin spread to all people (Romans 5:12). The diagram also indicates that eternal life is a free gift form God through belief in Jesus Christ, but that gift is only offered to those who are born again (John 3:3).

I say all of the above to point out that our primary need is our salvation. That tops the list of many needs we have that we look to God to meet. As we think about our needs, I pose the question, "Does God have any needs that he looks to us to meet?" What do you think? That is something we will consider in future lessons.

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