Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Necessity of Trials

Romans 5:3 - 5 is one of several texts that point out the importance trials play in a believers life. This short study considers that importance.

Lesson 1: The Need of Endurance
Lesson 2: Relationship Between Endurance and Character
Lesson 3: How Does Hope Relate to Character
Lesson 4: How does hope prevent us from shame
Lesson 5: The Importance of Love
Lesson 6: The Importance of Suffering

Is it possible that we in the west are bound by the idols of safety and comfort and as a result when trials produce suffering we fail to understand that God may want to use this experience to create additional Christ-likeness within us. We should pray for this time of spiritual growth, not pray for the removal of the trial so that we can enjoy comfort again. Could this be part of why the western cultural church is so lukewarm?

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